Pioneering soft plastics recycling site opens doors in Fife

A pioneering new recycling facility is now open in Fife which will reprocess ‘hard-to-recycle’ soft plastics. It aims to develop a greater plastics recycling infrastructure here in the UK, to keep the material in a ‘closed loop’ and save it from being exported overseas.
Nestle Partner With Yes Recycling

Nestlé UK and Ireland has partnered with our newly established recycling business Yes Recycling, in Fife, Scotland to process hard-to-recycle plastics.
Morrisons buy a stake in Yes Recycling Fife
Morrisons. The first Supermarket to own recycling facilities in the UK Morrisons has a target of reducing its own-brand plastic packaging by 50 per cent and making all own-brand plastic packaging recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025. Yes Recycling Fife will be part of the team, enabling that target to be reached. Omer Kutluoglu, co-owner of Yes […]
Hard to recycle plastics, are recyclable
Yes Recycling Fife and Fife Council recycle are recycling hard-to-recycle flexible material from households across Fife. Cireco Scotland takes Fife council’s materials to the recycling facility (MRF) in Dunfermline to be sorted and baled. Once the material has been sorted, Cireco send the baled plastic to our new facility in Glenrothes. Our innovative recycling process turns […]